Panda Daytona, with its number 116500, is a very popular replica watch in our market. Many watch factories are making replicas of this fake Rolex Daytona; in the past, there were Noob and ARF, but these two factories have been closed for some time. Four main watch factories produce replica Rolex Panda Daytona: Clean, TWF, ZZF, and BT.
Yes, you are very familiar with the other three factories, except BT, which is a new watchmaker also known as Better Factory; I just heard that BT (Better Factory) is just an offshoot of the 3K factory, which makes top-quality replicas of Patek Philippe Nautilus and Aquanaut. Now I know why it takes so long to order Patek Philippe Nautilus replicas from the 3K factories because their focus has shifted to the production of Rolex Daytona.
The BT factory started producing the Panda Daytona in March of this year, and I didn’t pay much attention to this factory at that time; I just noticed that they were selling the Daytona at a much higher price than Clean. In May, many people were talking about BT’s Daytona, and an interesting thing happened Clean published the V2 version of the Rolex Daytona and raised the price. So, BT Factory managed to get my attention this time. I found a lot of comments online that BT Factory’s replica Rolex Daytona is the best. Is that right? I compared Panda Daytona between BT and Clean and got the following points.
The case of BT is thinner, about 12.2mm. The case of Clean is about 12.4mm. The case thickness of a real watch is about 12.2mm to 12.4mm, so I can say that both BT and Clean are correct.
Please don’t say that BT’s dial color is more accurate, and it’s not true. In fact, the dial colors of both BT and Clean are correct because genuine watches also have slight dial color variations from batch to batch, while the BT Panda Daytona’s dial color is just more common.
Both BT and Clean use 904L stainless steel on case and bracelet. The case and bracelet have the same finish, much better than that on previous Noob Daytona.